General, How To, Point Of Sale

How to Track Business Analytics with POS Comprehensive Reporting

Knowing what you are getting yourself into as a business owner is important. You have to weigh things to see what works and what does not. You gather all the data available to back up your company’s visions. What you do is already a business analytics.

Business analytics allows you to check all information for profits. By analyzing collected data, you understand what’s best for the business. Tracking business analytics is essential to see where the inefficiencies are and what you can do to improve them. Since every business is different, you can win success by tracking the whole thing. This is how you can make winning business decisions and strategic moves.

But you need to be a data genius to track the whole lot. How can you do that? Let’s find it out!

Making Data-Driven Decisions

A data-driven approach in business allows companies to optimize and automate business processes with a blend of technology. It can be used with data modeling and statistics to build up new business insights. Working with big data and programming make business analytics a challenge for many industries.

Fortunately, we can use business intelligence and data analysis tools these days. The process involves analyzing past performance of the business by using data to calculate how it will work best in the future.

Data-driven companies get a competitive advantage in the world of the digital age. You can too.

The New Era of Retail Analytics

Making an effective decision is critical in every business operation. No matter what type of business you are building, it is important to analyze business data in order to give decision-making a positive end for the overall success of the operation.

POS system reports are the only thing that can help business owners and managers nowadays to gather data and analyze it the quick way. POS system can greatly help in making critical decisions by creating hundreds of comprehensive reports covering even the smallest aspect of your business.


Sales are important in many ways. Considering POS sales reports will bring you the most profits as it tracks items by its popularity, efficiency, and availability. But not just that, POS sales reporting can also send essential reports such as payment details and summary, a record of the best and worst sellers, lists of sold items, discounts, refunds, gross profit, sales analysis, special orders, restocks, transaction details and many others.

Vendor or Supplier

For you to manage your payables, vendor or supplier reports are here to the rescue. It will help you manage what goods or services cost you the most money and pay your vendors in a timely way.

Here are some of the reports you can get: PO records, inventory reports, gross profit, restock, vendor contact and invoice list, vendor payment and profit analysis, rank sell, receiving, benchmarking etc.


To help you track your inventory investment and manage your inventory levels throughout your stores, SooPOS Point of Sale provides comprehensive inventory reports. This includes inventory performance, value detail and analysis, location catalog listing, operating statistics, aged inventory, PO order and receiving and many others.


Being able to track employees and monitor their productivity at all times is essential for the overall success of a business. POS employee reports are able to give you detailed statements like clerk productivity, sales, gross profit, transaction listing, commissions and time card report.

These are just some of the key reporting you can get out of installing Shopify POS in your business. Bear in mind that business analytics is a great strategy for making amazing data-driven marketing decisions. Without comprehensive reports, you can’t analyze. Without POS, reporting doesn’t make any sense!


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